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Giving Tuesday is here so we are saying mahalo with a special giveaway. 🥳❤️☕
Enter our giveaway below for a chance to win an Aloha Star fan favorite, an 8oz bag of our Honey processed coffee.
To enter this giveaway:
Follow our Instagram account, @AlohaStarCoffee
Like this post
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That’s it!
You will be entered to win an 8oz bag of our 100% Kona Private Reserve Honey Full-City Roast coffee. Giveaway ends Thursday, December 5th at 11:59pm, Hawaii time. One winner will be selected and announced on Friday, December 6th. One entry per person. Valid within the USA only.
Good luck! 😊
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #givingtuesday #givingtuesday2024 #freecoffee #freegiveaway #coffeegiveaway #coffeelove #gratitude #holidaygifts #holidaygifts #kona #hawaii #hawaiigrown #alohafromhawaii #mahalo #thankful #thankyou #roastedcoffee #entertowin #coffeegift #coffeegram

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... 🌲😊☕
Save 5% on all your coffee favorites with the code "HOLIDAY5" (excluding gift cards, coffee club, and gift subscriptions). Plus free shipping on $75 or more.
Mahalo from Aloha Star Coffee Farms. ❤️
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #specialtycoffee #coffee #coffeegift #coffeelovers #shopsmallbusiness #shoplocal #smallbusiness #smallbusinesssaturday #holidays2024 #holidaysale #holidaygifts #christmas2024 #coffeesale #roastedcoffee #coffeeloversunite #coffeegram #favoritecoffee #coffeecommunity #mediumroast #darkroast #fullcityroast #kona #hawaiigifts #aloha

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to you! May this special time bring you happiness, joy, and great memories to treasure. ❤️❤️❤️
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #hawaiicoffee #happythanksgivng #thanksgiving2024 #alohafromhawaii #family #familia #ohana #grateful #blessed #happyholidays #gratitude #kona #konahawaii #hawaii #familyfarm #familyfirst #hawaiifarm

Thank you to the Big Island community and visitors for choosing our farm as the 1st place People's Choice Award winner at the 25th annual Holualoa Village Coffee & Art Stroll, celebrated on Saturday November 2nd, as part of the 2024 Kona Coffee Cultural Festival.
Mahalo @konacoffeefest and @holualoavillage for the opportunity to participate in this year's festival. We are so grateful for the love and support. Aloha! ☕❤️
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #konacoffeefarmers☕️ #hawaiicoffee #konacoffeefest #coffeelove #peopleschoiceawards #peopleschoice #alohafromhawaii #hawaiigifts #hawaiilove #808state #hawaiicommunity #coffeecommunity #coffeepeople #coffeelovers #coffeeloversunite #coffeegram #kona #hawaii #bigisland

A delicious and easy to make coffee recipe for those cozy fall vibes ☕🍁❤️
Video credit: Elias Rodriguez
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #specialtycoffee #hawaiicoffee #roastedcoffee #coffeerecipes #icedcoffee #fallcoffee #fallrecipes #cozyvibes #cozy #holidays2024 #holidayseason #fallseason #kona #hawaii #bigisland #hawaiifarm #hawaiigifts #fortheloveofcoffee #coffeegram

Our resident sheep take their daily walk around the farm, eating weeds and unwanted grass around the coffee trees. These cuties help us out a ton and bring us so much joy. 😊❤️🐑
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #specialtycoffee #konahawaii #kona #hawaiifarm #farmliving #farmlife #sheep #farmgram #hilife #hawaiiliving #coffeetrees #lifeonthefarm #farmers #coffeefarmers #southkona #bigisland #hawaiigram #farmanimals #holidays2024 #christmas2024 #farmland #homeiswheretheheartis #alohafromhawaii

Our Black Friday sale is here! ☕❤️🥳
Get 10% off select products, including our 100% Kona Private Reserve Washed process coffee, 100% Kona Private Reserve Honey process coffee, and Cascara tea.
Plus, all orders of $75 or more get free US Priority Mail shipping. Valid within the US only.
No coupon code necessary and offer is valid now through November 29th, 11:59 pm. Hawaii time.
This offer excludes gift boxes, mugs, green coffee beans, gift subscriptions, Gesha, and Peaberry. Cannot be combined with any other offers.
Shop now and save big with our Black Friday sale! 🌺
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #specialtycoffee #hawaiicoffee #blackfriday #blackfriday2024 #blackfridaysale #coffeesale #coffeetime #roastedcoffee #honeyprocess #washedcoffee #gesha #mediumroast #fullcityroast #darkroast #mediumdarkroast #cascaratea #cascara #kona #hawaii #bigisland #holidays #holidays2024 #coffeegram #hawaiilove #coffeelovers #hawaiigifts

Roasting day ☕❤️🙂
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #hawaiicoffee #hawaii #specialtycoffee #kona #coffeelove #coffeegram #coffeeroaster #coffeeroasting #roaster #southkona #coffeefarm #bigisland #roastedcoffee #coffeepeople #coffeetime #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #alohafromhawaii #espresso #mokapot #dripcoffee #pourovercoffee #wholebean #coffeecoffeecoffee #konacoffeefarmers☕️

We are excited to participate in the 53rd annual Kona Coffee Cultural Festival's Ho'olaule'a Event. Join us this Saturday, November 9 from 9am-3pm at the Old Kona Airport Maka'eo Pavillion.
(A Kona Coffee Cultural Festival button is required to enter. Buttons can be purchased at the event.)
We hope to see you there! ❤️☕☕
@hicommfcu @konacoffeefest
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #specialtycoffee
#konacoffee #konacoffeefarmers☕️ #kona #bigisland #bigislandhawaii #aloha #hawaiievents #hawaiicommunity #hawaiicoffee #hawaiiisland #coffeefestival #culturalfest #culturalfestival #alohafromhawaii #hawaiigram #hawaiigrown #hawaiigifts #hawaiilove #konacoffeefest #konacoffeefestival

We had so much fun at the 25th annual Holualoa Village Coffee & Art Stroll yesterday. Thank you @koarealtyhawaii and Shelly White Gallery for hosting the space for our booth. Thank you @holualoavillage for the opportunity to participate for another year of festivities.
Plenty of more events are happening this week as a part of the @konacoffeefest . Check out their website for more event details. We hope to see you at the Kona Coffee Cultural Festival Ho'olaule'a on Saturday, November 9th from 9am to 3pm.
Mahalo! ☕☕❤️
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #specialtycoffee #hawaiicoffee #hawaiievents #kona #kailuakona #bigisland #bigislandhawaii #hawaiicommunity #coffeefestival #coffeelove #coffeegram #coffeetime #coffeefarm #konacoffeefarmers☕️ #hawaiiisland #808state #coffeeweekend #coffeeinstagram #coffeevibes #roastedcoffee #peaberry #geshacoffee #honeyprocess #washedcoffee

Getting ready for the Holualoa Village Coffee and Art Stroll tomorrow, November 2nd.
Come see us at booth #16 between 9am and 3pm for free coffee samples and shop our specialty 100% Kona coffee.
We hope to see you there! ❤️ ⭐☕
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #specialtycoffee #konacoffeefest #coffeefestival #bigisland #kona #hawaiievents #hawaiicoffee #hawaiilove #coffeelove #holualoavillage #holualoa #kailuakona #coffeefirst #mediumroast #fullcityroast #darkroast #freshcoffee #roastedcoffee #coffeeandart #coffeegram #november2024 #808state #hawaiiisland

We are excited to participate in the 25th Holualoa Village Coffee & Art Stroll this Saturday, November 2nd, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Our booth is #16. We will be located in the parking lot of Koa Realty/Shelly Maudsley White Gallery.
We'd love to meet you there, and welcome you to sample our 100% Kona coffee.
Hope to see you this Saturday! ❤️⭐☕
#alohastarcoffee #alohastarcoffeefarms #hawaiievents #coffeefestival #hawaii
Reposted @holualoavillage 25th Annual Holualoa Village Coffee & Art Stroll is a celebration of our Kona Coffee! Join our community and meet local 100% Kona coffee farmers, taste their coffee and talk story about the process. Participate in the People’s Choice award! Food vendors will be set up and galleries will open. Additional parking at the Imin Center will be available.
#holualoavillage #coffee&artstroll #konacoffee #konacoffeefarmers☕️ #holualoa #konacoffeefestival #konacoffeefarm #konacoffeepurveyors

Fall in love with our Classic Washed Process 100% Kona coffee in medium roast 🧡🍁☕ Tasting notes include flavors of dark chocolate, walnuts, raisin, brown sugar, chestnuts, caramel, and almond.
Link in bio.
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #specialtycoffee #fallcoffee #coffeelove #fallseason #cozycoffee #coffeepeople #washedcoffee #classic #classiccoffee #coffeegram #fallishere #halloween2024 #fall2024 #holidays2024 #tastingnotes #mediumroast #roastedcoffee #espresso #moka #frenchpress #dripcoffee #pourovercoffee #drinkgoodcoffee #kona #hawaii

Thank you for taking the time to review your Aloha Star coffee experience. We appreciate you! 💚
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #hawaiicoffee #specialtycoffee #coffee #coffeereviews #coffeereview #coffeegram #deliciouscoffee #favoritecoffee #coffeepeople #coffeefirst #coffeecommunity #coffeemonday #coffeefirst #kona #konahawaii #bigisland #alohafromhawaii #shoplocal #shophawaii #hawaiicommunity #hawaiilife #hawaiigrown

It's amazing to witness Mother Nature's work. Small seedlings turn into coffee trees, producing delicious 100% Kona coffee. ❤️⭐☕
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #hawaiicoffee #specialtycoffee #alohafriday🌺 #alohafriday #happyfriday #coffeefarm #coffeegram #coffeeseeds #coffeetrees #hawaiifarm #mothernature #konacoffeefest #konacoffeefestival #kona #bigisland #hawaii #hawaiievents #coffeeevents #seedlings #coffeecommunity #coffeepeople

Hispanic Heritage Month is coming to a close, and we wanted to share some coffee traditions from the Dominican Republic, Karina's native country.
Coffee in the Dominican Republic is traditionally made with a "greca" pot, also known as a Moka pot. Servings are usually 3-5 ounces and are accompanied by bread or dessert such as flan, pan de maiz (corn bread), or dulce de coco (coconut candy).
Karina remembers preparing coffee with her parents in their home in Barahona, a Southern coastal town in the Dominican Republic. Coffee was prepared to round out a delicious meal with family and friends. If the conversation (and coffee) was good, guests would ask for "un chin mas de café" which means asking for just a little bit more coffee.
Coffee and community have been a part of Karina's life for as long as she can remember. She hopes to continue to build that community and togetherness in the coffee space here on the Big Island. ❤️❤️☕
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #hawaiicoffee #specialtycoffee #hispanicheritage #hispanicheritagemonth #dominicanrepublic #greca #mokapot #coffeebrewing #freshcoffee #coffeelove #coffee #community #barahona #dulcedecoco #pandemaiz #flan #coffeetime #cafecito #cafe #familia #coffeefarm #coffeeroaster #kona #hawaii #bigisland

We are excited to participate in this year's Kona Coffee Cultural Festival. Stay tuned for dates and we look forward to seeing you there! ❤️☕☕
#hawaiievents #hawaii #coffeeevents #coffeelove #bigisland
Reposted @withregram • @konacoffeefest 🎨✨ Unveiling the 2024 Kona Coffee Cultural Festival Signature Art! ✨🎨
We're beyond excited to reveal the stunning signature art for the 2024 Kona Coffee Cultural Festival!
Local Hawaii Island artist Miyuki Akiyama created the signature art. Her native tribal vibe art piece depicts elements of Kona and its world-famous coffee.
Share the excitement and let us know what you think of this year's signature art in the comments below! 🌺☕🎉
Stay tuned for more festival updates and get ready to experience the art, culture, and coffee at the Kona Coffee Cultural Festival, November 1-10, 2024!
#kona #konacoffee #konacoffeefest #konacoffeeculturalfestival

A great round of coffee picking and ready for the weekend. Aloha Friday to you! ❤️⭐☕
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #specialtycoffee #kona #hawaii #southkona #alohafriday🌺 #alohafriday #happyfriday #weekendvibes #weekendcoffee #coffeefarm #coffeepeople #coffee #coffeegram #coffeelove #coffeecommunity #808state #hawaiilove #coffeeweekend #happyweekend #aloha #coffeetrees

Happy International Coffee Day to all the coffee lovers out there! 😊☕❤️
#alohastarcoffeefarms #alohastarcoffee #konacoffee #specialtycoffee #coffeeday #internationalcoffeeday #coffee #coffeepeople #coffeefirst #coffeegram #coffeelovers #kona #hawaii #espresso #frenchpress #pourovercoffee #dripcoffee #latte #lattegram #hawaiifarm #coffeeroaster